Audio | Services

January 29, 2012 AM Worship

Service today included new and familiar songs, testimony and learning from the Bible.

Deacon Gary Cook read Psalm 32 and said an opening prayer. Minister of Praise and Worship, Dr. Johann Kim, said of the passage, “Before God, we are all sinners. This Psalm shows how desperately we need His Grace.”  Kim then led the congregation in song:

  • Lord Have Mercy on Me
  • Rock of Ages
  • The Old Rugged Cross
  • Are You Washed in the Blood

After a time of fellowship, Pastor Ben Dockery made a few announcements and led a prayer. Before the prayer, however, he asked a member of the church, Janice Humpich, to the platform for a word of testimony. Humpich said that through various situations she has faced these past few years, the prayers and encouragement from church members and through studying her Bible, she has been able to make it through her struggles. Dockery prayed over the church, several heath concerns of some members, and for Humpich.

Nathan Sing, former missionary and Vine Street Baptist Church’s newest intern, read Luke 17:1-19 before the gathered sang “I Hear Thy Welcome Voice.” During the offertory, pianist Mia Kim played an arrangement of “Search Me, O God” that she wrote for a new compilation she is creating. The choir ensemble sang “Beside You” just before Pastor Ben presented a message from the Bible.

Pastor Ben presented the sermon the fifth sermon of the series Great Aspects of the Church. The full audio can be heard by clicking on a date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer.  Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.

January 29, 2012 AM Leviticus 19:1-18 Great Commitment “Serve Others” Part 1 Ben Dockery

After the Word was presented, the congregation sang “And Can It Be” in response. Pastor Ben closed the service with a reading from Romans 13.