May 1, 2016 Morning Worship
While many members of Vine Street Baptist were serving in ministry at the annual Bob Meek Memorial Shape Note Convention, other members and guests gathered at the corner of Vine & Highland to learn more about God’s love for one another.
The service opened with a reading of Psalm 139:13-16 by Deacon Wally Jeffries. Wally prayed, then Co-Worship Leaders Jacob and Jaime Hatcher led the gathered in song.
- How Firm a Foundation
- Are You Washed in the Blood
Everyone spent several minutes in fellowship, then Associate Pastor Brandon Saunders presented today’s announcements:
- Today – Doug Hanna teaches on 2 Timothy 4:1-8
- Tonight – Souper Sunday, prepared by Joe Gross and Cathy Cook
- Shape Note Convention concludes later today.
- Boyce Bible School finals this week. Meals are arranged for them and everyone is encouraged to pray for them.
After a Pastoral Prayer, Boyce student Justin Francis read John 14:1-4. Before continuing with singing, Jacob H brought news that the infant baby of a former member of Vine Street is now cancer free. He connected this baby’s story to song, and how any time he has sung the next song, he always thought of this little baby.
- When My Heart is Torn Asunder
- O Church Arise
Deacon Donnie Aebersold said a prayer for the offering, then the plates were passed while the Hatchers played instrumentally.
Boyce Bible College student Doug Hanna delivered today’s message. This is the next message in the series on the books of Timothy. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
Date | Reference | Title | Speaker |
May 1, 2016 AM | 2 Timothy 4:1-4 | Live the Word | Doug Hanna |
After the sermon, the congregation sang O Church Arise and Hanna read a closing benediction.