May 8, 2016 Morning Worship
Louisville may be famous for an annual horse race, but Vine Street is famous for its faithful members and guests coming to worship and learn about God Sunday after Sunday.
Today’s service began when Deacon Wally Jeffries read Psalm 4:1-5 and saying a prayer. Co-Worship Leader Jacob Hatcher led the gathered in song while C0-Worship Leader Jaime Hatcher played from the piano this morning.
- Blessed Be the Name
- Lord I Need You
Jacob greeted everyone and recognized that today was Mothers’ Day. Plants were at the front for the mothers in attendance today, and they were encouraged to pick up one during the Welcome & Fellowship time. After a time of hugs and greetings, Associate Pastor presented some announcements and recognition.
- Today – 2nd Timothy study
- Tonight – no activities due to Mothers’ Day
- Bob Meek Memorial Shape Note Sing – thankful for those who planned, coordinated and volunteered for this ministry extension of Vine Street Baptist Church
- Graduates from College –
- Nathan Bates – Indiana University (Bloomington)
- Seth Carter – Boyce Bible College
- Justin Francis – Boyce Bible College
Saunders said a pastoral prayer, then Carter read 1 John 3:1-6. Jaime continued the service by leading the congregation in more singing.
- Great is Thy Faithfulness
- Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross
Deacon Joe Gross said a prayer, then the Hatchers played their instruments while the plates were passed.
Associate Pastor Brandon Saunders delivered today’s message. This is the last message in the series on the books of Timothy. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
Date | Reference | Title | Speaker |
May 8, 2016 AM | 2 Timothy 4:9-22 | Lonliness in the Lord | Brandon Saunders |
After the sermon, the congregation sang Great is Thy Faithfulness, then Saunders closed the service with a final scripture reading.
At the conclusion of the service, everyone sang Happy Birthday to Kendall Saunders.