November 14, 2010 AM Worship
Today, the gathered were brought together in unity with a reading of Psalm 43, lead by Deacon Donnie Aebersold. He followed this reading with an opening prayer.
Minister of Worship and Praise, Dr. Johann Kim, described the Psalm’s message, speaking to its multiple themes, then lead the congregation in songs and a time of prayer.
- Be Unto Your Name
- All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
- Resurrection Hymn
- Awesome Power
After a time of welcoming everyone, Pastor Ben Dockery presented a few announcemnets
- Business Meeting, tonight
- No Pal-o-Mine this month
- Movie Night next Saturday. Mary Poppins will be featured
- Thanksgiving Feast next Sunday.
Pastor Ben had a word of prayer over several church members that are sick or just returning to health. Next, Cathy Cook read John 11:17-44 and then the gathered sang The Power of The Cross. Deacon Gary Cook lead a prayer before the offering was collected, and Mia Kim played an instrumental piece while the offering was collected. The choir ensemble presented a medley of songs entitled, “Sing His Name.”
Pastor Ben returned to the pulpit for today’s message from Deuteronomy 10.
The full audio can be heard by clicking on the controller, or right-click and select Save As to save the file to your computer.
November 14, 2010 What Does The Lord Require? – Deuteronomy 10 (Ben Dockery)
After the message, Pastor Ben encouraged the listeners to respond, and Kim lead the response time with “The Solid Rock.” To close the service, Pastor Ben read a benediction.