
Sunday, August 10 2008 Morning Worship

Vine Street Baptist Church welcomes back our very own Johann Kim, Minister of Worship and Praise. Kim was out of the country, leading seminars on worship, praise, hymns and singing to the Lord. (Thanks to Wally Jeffries for filling in during Kim’s absence.)

After a reading of Psalm 24 by Betty Jeffries, we focused on attributes of God in the songs “All Creatures of Our God and King” and “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise.” Next, we turned our attention to worshiping God’s Son with “Lord I Life Your Name on High” and “Meekness and Majesty.”

After a few minutes spent in an enjoyable time of neck-huggings and welcomes, a Shape Note Ensemble presented a song inspired by a dream. Pastor Michael Snearly followed, leading those gathered through corporate prayer.

Mickie Bainter read Romans 8:31-39, which was followed by “Here is Love” and our weekly time of offering, during which Hannah Kim played an instrumental version of a popular praise song.

Pastor Snearly preached on Genesis 2:4-17, “A Longing For What We Don’t Have.” This section is about the beginning of humanities spiral toward sin, yet concludes that if we stop focusing on what we cannot have, we can have life in Christ. An audio file of the sermon time is available on request. Send an email to info@vinestreetbaptist.org.

The service concluded with “Name of All Majesty,” announcements, and a benediction.