January 18, 2015 AM Worship
Sunshine and slightly warmer temperatures welcomed many returning Boyce College and Southern Seminary students to Vine Street, and several guests — all of whom were happily greeted by members and regulars.
The service opened with a reading of Psalm 8 and a prayer, both led by Deacon Joe Gross. Interim Worship Leader, Charlie Moore, led classic praise songs and hymns.
- We Will Glorify
- All Creatures of Our God and King
After a time of fellowship, Pastor Ben gave a few announcements and held a pastoral prayer for church concerns. Before Deacon Donnie Aebersold gave an offering prayer, the gathered sang songs.
- How Deep the Father’s Love For Us
- Are You Washed in the Blood
While ushers passed the offering plates, Moore sang Sovereign Over Us and encouraged everyone to sing along. When the children left for Childen’s Church, Associate Pastor Dustin Bruce went to the pulpit to present today’s message.
This is the third and final message in the Core Values sermon series. The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer. Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.
January 18, 2015 | AM | Matthew 28:16-20 | Make Disciples | Dustin Bruce |
During a time of response and reflection, the congregation sang the Benediction Song (May the Peace of God), then Pastor Ben read a benediction scripture.
Before everyone was dismissed, Deacon Chairman Chandler Bainter invited Charlie and Molly Moore to the front, and thanked them on behalf of Vine Street Baptist Church for their extended time here. In lieu of a baby shower, they were “pounded” with a supply of diapers and other gifts to help them get ready for their new baby boy.