Audio | Services

September 3, 2017 Morning Worship

As the impact of Hurricane Harvey continues to weigh heavily on the minds and hearts of members and guests of Vine Street Baptist Church, they were encouraged as a sister-church in Houston sent a video message which showed how that body of believers are already mobilizing to reach out to their community, even in the midst of their flooded building.

The service began as Deacon Chandler Bainter read Micah 4:1-2 and said a prayer. Associate Pastor Jacob Hatcher led the gathered in song, while Jaime Hatcher and Nolan Hodge accompanied on their instruments.

  • The Family of God

After everyone spent a few minutes greeting one another in fellowship, Senior Pastor Spencer Harmon gave a few announcements and spent most of the time talking about BridgePoint Bible Church in Houston.  Gunner Gunderson, who was a guest preacher at Vine Street about a year ago, is now Lead Pastor of BridgePoint.  A video was shown to the members and guests of Vine Street, and offering plates were available at the end of service for people to donate to BridgePoint’s recovery and ongoing ministry to their community.

After a prayer for Houston, and for Texas & Louisiana, the ushers collected the offering and the Hatchers led the congregation in songs.

  • Lord I Need You
  • Be Thou My Vision
  • The Servant Song

Senior Pastor Spencer Harmon came to the platform to deliver today’s message.

Today’s sermon continued the sermon series called Why? The full audio can be heard by clicking on the date link below, or right-click and select “Save As” to save the file to your computer.  Click on the scripture reference to follow along with the reading.

Date Reference Title Speaker
September 3, 2017 Acts 2:42-47

Matthew 18:15-17

Why Membership? Spencer Harmon

After the sermon, the congregation stood and sang I Surrender All during a time of reflection. Spencer closed the service with an invitation for anyone to speak to a pastor after the service about church membership, becoming a Christian, or to discuss today’s sermon. Spencer read the benediction then dismissed the group.